Here I am, sitting in Chile with my Rider jersey on at the end of day 1 of our Santiago G.A.T.
I realize that out of the 5 of us I am seriously lacking in the writing giftedness. Is that even a word? It is now, and that's not the only new word in my vocabulary. (Alynn----you will appreciate that)
The training was fantastic today, we had made some adjustments to the schedule and it seemed to flow much smoother. The simultaneous translation was seamless and much nicer for us to deliver our talks. Every aspect of the training went well and we are looking forward to tomorrow and all the blessings we know are waiting for us.
We are beginning to think of home more and more, we think it is partially because Edu is no longer with us and the fact that it is Dennis and Karen's 29th anniversary today. We are anxious to see all of you face to face and share all of our experiences with you.
Fr. Carlos is the newest Roughrider Fan! He was so cute when I was teaching him how to say "Go Riders Go"! What a sport!
We continue to lift up our Home Team in prayer and truly feel your support and love. You are all so appreciated. For our families at home, we miss you so much, thank you for your support in this mission, it means so much to us.
Love and Prayers
"Correcto Mundo"
Hello there Away team and greetings from Spearfish South Dakota! The Garchinski's have had a great day - like spending time with your best friends! We are so truly blessed as a family.
ReplyDeleteAnd then we read of the awesome work you are doing and we think of our other family with GAT and Alpha. I am sure that it is hard with Edu gone but thank God for wonderful work that you are doing! It is so amazing that you have touched so many lives. Our God is absolutely wonderful and we are so blessed in so many ways.
Happy Anniversary Dennis and Karen - may God continue to bless your sacrament for many years to come. You are a great inspiration to many of us.
Thank you for all you are doing. You continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. We miss you and God bless the rest of your travels and talks!
Like Stephanie - I have words that echo in my mind. Take a look around at all that God has created - and if he can so beautifully care for the world, nature and dress the birds and trees - imagine how much more he can do for us because of his love. This past weekends homily was about Mary and Martha and just how Mary was able to sit at the Lord's feet and listen! That is way we must do as well - just sit and listen and we can do so many things with Him as our guide.
Blessings to you all
Love Neil and Lori
Hi Carole, Dave, Ramona, Dennis and Carrie! We have returned home today from our week long trip in the Black Hills area, and have been following you most of the days on our trip. WOW - sounds like an AMAZING experience! We have been praying and singing daily to bless your mission... we know miracles are happening in Chile! When we visited a church in Billings, Montana, we were greeted with the song "Come, Now is the time to worship" as we entered the church... WOW! It felt that we were connected with you in SPIRIT! We continue to pray for you all and look forward to seeing you and hearing all about what the Lord has done in Chile.
ReplyDeleteLove and prayers,
Mary-Ann and Greg
Yes Carrie giftedness is a word
ReplyDeleteand you are completely filled with it (in writing as well)
you all are !
Love you all