Wow......what a day!!!!
It just keeps getting better and better...
I'm going to keep this short, as tomorrow morning will come very soon and its already pretty late.
We had an incredible day. Fr. Santiago picked us all up in a car this morning with the intent to show us “more of whats around Arica.” We started off touring the biggest “farmer's market” I think I've ever seen. All kinds of produce, with a lot of things I've never seen before. By looking at the landscape around Arica, you wouldn't think anything would grow. Not so in the Azapa Valley. All is irrigated, and growth is abundant, which is where we headed to next. We found ourselves along a very narrow winding road, desert sand and hills on one side, and green fields on the other. What a paradox!
Our next stop was a retreat center that is a popular stop for area residents. A beautiful place with all kinds of different native fruit trees and 50 foot Eucalyptus trees towering overhead. We all thought it would be a great place to have our next retreat....maybe a bit of a commute though. An true oasis in the desert!
We continued on our journey to a museum a short distance away. It contained artifacts and history of the Chinchorra people, the true natives of the region. We were treated to seeing some of the oldest mummies in the world, dating back 5000 years, along with all the artifacts and history of the people.....translated of course by Fr. Santiago.
At Father's suggestion, we then stopped at, I believe he said, was the only small village (pueblo) in the area called San Miguel. We took a peek in the local church, which by the way stands open doors to the public always and “almost” open roofed as well. A lot of cracks and seams showing up there but since there is virtually no rain in the Arica area, not a concern for upkeep. A beautiful church. There was a small, round seating area outside where we decided would be a great small group discussion area, perhaps after returning from our new retreat location....a bit of a commute.....
We decided we would stop for some lunch at a small “eatery” in San Miguel. Just so happens the best place to eat was just outside the doors of the cemetery... a quaint little place, translated called “the spot of death...” No reflection on the food was fabulous. We also spent some time in the cemetery being amazed at the customary grave sites. Unbelievable tributes to lost family and friends.
It was time to end our tour as our first meeting with the entire local team was to take place shortly. We returned to Arica and proceeded to St. Ignatius church. It never ceases to amaze me how our Father works! You would not believe the amount of young people that are spear heading this event...and hard working, dedicated, faith filled young people. The seemingly endless amount of work our cohort, Eduardo, has done and continues to do, is nothing short of inspirational. Endless blessings to him and all who have done so much to bring Alpha to Arica. After the meetings were complete, we all headed over to the high school where the training event begins in the morning, a few short hours from now. The room is set and ready to go....
Thanks for all your prayers! You are all here with us, every step!!
peace and blessings to all